Friday, January 28, 2011

They're Getting Closer

(By: Chip Schultz)

Perhaps the greatest part of this journey has been the lessons the kids are learning. Of course, the memories that they will create while walking through the Washington D.C. Mall, Arlington National Cemetery, and Gettysburg will literally last a lifetime; they are learning, first-handed, about setting a goal, creating a plan, sacrificing for that goal, and just plain hard work.

We have watched Hannah put every last dime, nearly $150 of her birthday money, into our "Washington D.C. Jug". Jackson also donated $75 of his birthday money to the cause. In December the kids hosted a Scentsy party. A friend of ours offered to donate 20% of the sales toward their goal. So after a few nights of invites and reminder phone calls, preparing/serving treats and snacks, and hand delivering the products to our guests, the kids received a check for $140! Additionally, Taylor and Aubrey have both been quite diligent at arranging their own schedules to accommodate any babysitting jobs that come available. Now that we are within 8-weeks, they still need to actively pursue babysitting and miscellaneous jobs until our departure.

As with any goal that they set or any obstacle that comes before them, I say, "Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot, you're right."

And I believe they can!

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