Monday, August 9, 2010

It all started with a scam

(By: Chip Schultz)

Boy did this ever open our eyes. It was during the 2007-2008 school year; our daughter Aubrey, then in the 5th grade, received a very special letter in the mail. This wasn't just an ordinary letter; this looked like an invitation to the White House, complete with a little wax insert and the whole nine yards. This was a very, very fancy invitation addressed to our daughter - Aubrey May Schultz.

Tracy and I were both quite impressed and in a bit of shock. The invitation, sent by some clever acronym for a National Youth Leadership organization, went on to say something to the effect, "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, your son/daughter has been selected by..." (yada, yada, yada) "to represent his/her classmates, not only at Trail Wind Elementary School and the Boise School District, but in the state of Idaho as well..." (yada, yada, yada) "to go to Washington D.C for a 3-day leadership conference..." (yada, yada, yada) "We have included a press announcement, for your convenience, to notify your local media of his/her accomplishments." Then, on the back of page 3, while wiping away tears of pride and joy, and while Aubrey sat silently in shock, we read, "as space is limited, please contact our business office..." (yada, yada, yada) "and secure your child's admission to this once in a lifetime..." (yada, yada, yada) "with a non-refundable payment of $1,700.00 (not including airfare)!"

What a heep! Needless to say, Aubrey had about a dozen friends from her class alone, who were "selected" to represent their classmates as well. After discussing our disappointment with the school principal, we learned that many kids receive that same letter every year. And those that can afford it - get to go.

From that moment, I have dreamt about a scholarship program for 5th and 6th grade students. A program that invites one child (and one of their parents), from every elementary school in our school district, to Washington D.C. and doesn't cost the school, nor that child's family, one dime. It would be an all-inclusive trip; hotel, airfare, food... you name it. I would even throw in preparation and spending money. Now THAT would be something to award a child with; something that he/she would really earn; something that would have a profound impact on their public education; something that they would remember for the rest of their lives.

Someday I am going to create that scholarship program, organize that trip, and take deserving children on a tour of our nation's capitol. Someday.

But first, I need a practice run...

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