Monday, August 16, 2010

We are going to Washington D.C.

(By: Chip Schultz)

Some of you may think this to be impossible; others may never understand the passion. But to stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and look across the reflecting pools at the Washington Monument is something I have never done; nor have I touched that black granite wall and traced one of it's 58,000 names with my fingertip. To witness the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is something I have never done either; nor have I walked the endless rows of our heroes buried at Arlington. Yes, the list goes on and on - so many places to vist, so many sights to see, so many experiences to be remembered.

But why have I never been to Washington D.C.? Was it not a priority for my parents? Have I not discovered the value of a first-hand experience of our nation's capitol? Or did I just simply not yet put forth the effort? Regardless of the reasoning and excuses, I am now in the position to perpetuate more lost opportunities and learning for my own children; or to make a calculated effort and risk the failure of not trying hard enough to teach them about our founding fathers and our American heritage; to show them the monuments and memorials built for those who have forgotten; and to share with them the profound sense of patriotism and national pride that will not come from a text book, but rather from an in depth, intimate discovery, while we walk as a family, among the haunting attractions of our nation's capitol.

Our family has adopted a motto very dear to my heart... "I CAN!"  It goes along with the old adage, "If opportunity fails to knock - build a door!"  Simply put, you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. And so we have. We have put our minds to it; we are raising and saving money; and we are studying and learning all about our nation's capitol. We are going to Washington D.C.!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great goal. Keep up the good work! We're pulling for you!!
