Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is no longer regarded as just "MY dream" - It is now the Schultz "FAMILY goal"!

(By: Chip Schultz)

What's the difference between a dream and a goal? Simply put, a dream never leaves your head; but a goal is written down. Sure it's easy to say, "I want to go to Washington D.C." But unless you put your dreams in writing, and create an action plan, then you can never know just how close, or how far, you are from your target. So we've discussed it as a family; we've written it down; and we have an action plan. Yes. We are going to Washington D.C. Period.

And this is definitely not a present or a gift to ourselves, this is going to be the project of the century; a fundraising task that will involve each member of the Schultz family; a logistical task of biblical proportions! It is going to take everything just shy of blood-n-guts to get us there.

Determined not to drag our kids 3,000 miles away, only to have them roll their eyes in disinterest at some of the most historical sights in this country, we have come up with a way to have them lead the trip. Each of the thirty-three points of interest have been asigned to a member of the family. Some are assigned to one of the kids, some pair them up with a sibling, and others pair them up with mom or dad. And each point of interest needs to be researched, to include distance from our hotel/distance from the White House, cost of admission, hours of opperation, year built, and interesting historical facts. The plan is for them to research and report back to the family what they learned; and in-turn for the rest of us to learn about each point of interest as well. Then, when we walk through Arlington National Cemetery, Aubrey will be able to explain what the Tomb of the Unknown is all about; and as we tour the Mall, Jack will be able to teach us about the Washington Monument. Taylor will be an expert on Mount Vernon; and Hannah can teach us about Ford's Theatre, etc. Stay tuned for their research and findings to be posted here on our blog.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing.. Simply amazing chip.. U and Tracy are wonderful parents and we all are blessed to have u in our life.. Even if it's miles apart. You make me want to write our dreams down and do the same. Thank you!
