Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Because it just doesn't grow on trees

(By: Chip Schultz)

Ahhh, yes - money. Indeed, it just doesn't grow on trees. Growing up I often heard my mom say, "Money isn't everything... but it sure beats the heck out of whatever's second!" What is so funny about that, of course, is that it is a half truth - that being, money is not everything. And how many times have you thught, "If only I had a million dollars..."

After many long, intense discussions about financing a trip of this magnitude, we have simply concluded on the obvious - we cannot afford to take our family to Washington D.C. But, I truly believe that money should not stop us from trying to go. This spring, the kids will be 16, 14, 11, and 9. By the time we actually are able to afford a big vacation like this, Taylor and Aubrey will both likely be out of school. And the whole point in taking them now, is so that we can experience our nation's capitol; learn about the birth of our country; and better understand the freedoms we have inherited, together, as a family. Now is the time for them go; while they are still in school; so this experience can positively affect who they grow up to be.

So, if we really can't afford it... we need to find a way. We, as a family, have drafted up a few fundraising concepts that we can all participate in. We will raise the money. We will find a way. There's alot of character in the adage, "If opportunity fails to knock, build a door." And if you don't have what you want, and if you want it bad enough, find a way to get it, and do whatever it takes...
Think "I CAN!"


  1. Chip--we lived there for 2 years and still know a lot of people in the area. I'm sure we could find a place for you guys to stay while you are there. That could save on some needed funds?

  2. Maybe schedule a coin hunt for a day. Travel around Boise and surrounding areas and hunt for change dropped on the ground. Maybe even rent a metal detector. You never know...

  3. Think of needs that the neighborhood might need or be willing to pay for. How about for $10, $15, $20, or whatever, you will come and put on a Family Home evening complete with treats. A great way to meet people and provide a fun service. One per family. We can't get lazy. Me thinks a Patriotic theme??? Maybe keep it simple and sell Monday night treats for a month or have a treat of the month club for the next few months.

  4. An andendum to my last comment... An even easier solution is to make Family Patriotism packets. Include a lesson on Patriotism, words and music to a song, activty, desert ideas, game etc.. Create a few for different age groups and sell them as DIY kits.

  5. Great project guys! I told your dad that you can use the bank parking lot for a car wash or something, we would be happy to help!

    Mike at Chase Bank
